Four club members went down to Cardiff with the intention of of trying a few demo boats to increase the club fleet. Paul very kindly offered to drive and Dave, Steve and myself joined him. We arrived around 10.30am, well in time to sign in and sort out boats for the 8 cumec 11am pump time. Several boats were at our disposal, Dagger Mamba 8.6, Wave sport Recon 83, Zet Director, Jackson Karma (M) and others.
Unfortunately due to pump problems only about 2 cumecs of water was going around the course and it was gone 12.30 before the problem was sorted ! Undeterred we played in the pool and the small wave at the end of the course just breaking in and out to stay warm. As soon as the conveyor kicked into action we were on our way. A good day was had by all, and despite the changing of boats a couple of rolls and no swims meant we all came away smiling. The journey home was mainly filled with conversation of boats and how poorly the Wolves had played in losing 4-0 to Brentford ! The conclusion and general consensus seemed to be that the Zet Raptor would be a very useful club boat along with the Dagger Mamba 8.6 although a smaller Mamba would be useful for some members. We already have Barry’s old Mamba so any ideas for other club boats would be welcome.