Good meeting, well attended.
1. Paul bought Tim a lager shandy. Cheers Paul
2. Shane won the logo competition.
3. A weekend trip to Anglesey is planned for the weekend of 7-8 June
4. The AGM is planned for Wednesday 5th March
5. Emma (Ricki’s wife) will audit the accounts
6. 4 airbags will be bought shortly.
7. We have decided not to apply for charity status
8. We have decided not to reduce membership fees for people joining more than one club
9. A curry night will be organised for the end of November
10. Rich P will be asked to organise a freestyle training session at HPP
11. Ricki will be asked to work with Tim and apply for grants.
12. Paul was thanked for giving us the cage to store equipment.
13. We will make an offer to Telford regarding use of their car park at Jackfields.
14. We will sort out the bung on the riot boat.
15. The committee members would like to stand for their positions again next year, our Secretary Nick would like to stand down if somebody else would like to do the job.