Forum Replies Created
MemberOn a serious note, our river trips need more paddlers carrying split paddles, first aid kits and saws, Everyone should have a throw line, whistle and knife. Your gonna need a bigger boat!
MemberI don’t want to talk about it. I want to be alone. Well, ok then, it was like this. We were paddling a section described in the guide as flat. On a rapid I would class as a grade 1.5 I managed to get pinned on a branch running horizontal to the water at about chest height. I was able to lean onto it, keeping the boat upstream and tried in vein to shuffle along it. Over I went and frantically pulled my deck. Mark then witnessed Olympic standard swimming as I chased my boat and paddle. Mark said sorry for not bringing a saw and we went to the pub. All good fun!
MemberNice one Zaf. We will start a database shortly. Today was always going to be difficult to predict. I even put a post on rivers guidebook asking for advice about snow melt. Rivers can rise very quickly with snowmelt and with high rainfall added to the equation predicting a safe river for a group of mixed abilities becomes even more difficult. Best to walk away today. However, there are a couple of grade 2 paddles that may have been running today and I will be doing shortly to check their suitability. One is the Glaslyn above the gorge and the other is the wnion below the gorge.
MemberThe footage has been really useful for me to look at. I worked really hard yesterday at leaning forward. I’ve been getting into a bad habit of leaning back in the kayak, but having looked at Geoff’s video it appears I’ve sorted the problem out. It’s also nice to see a video where I’m not having to roll! Happy Tim!
MemberMy first run of the gorge sticks in the mind. super stuff
MemberThanks for the report Richard. Is it time to bring out the poggies?
MemberIve put some footage on youtube. Check out ‘The gamlan and the mawddach’ I used youtube video editor which chose the music!
Memberbarryc2937 on youtube has footage. I think you may have already seen it Nigel
MemberThis river is great fun. Yes I will do it again. Fast and continous grade 2. I used google street view to identify suitable access and egress. Why have I never used this before? There is plenty of warning time to portage the weir drops. Look out for a modern peice of machinery floating in the river towards the end. It looks like a giant fan. No idea why its there, but was easily passed river right.