Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’m always smiling as you know 🙂
I love the detail…..the Dulas area is amazing for wild camping expo’s. If you want, I can arrange a winter expo if you fancy it? We could do the above route, or a gentle stroll as a group in the Northern Arans (
ParticipantHi Loz,
I’m sure one of the club representatives can advise on the next available safety course is. Chucky’s advice to practice on safer courses is also a good idea to ensure safe paddle time, although I have old debt to settle with HPP from both a paddle and a digestive system prospective a few years ago with Chuck on a night-time birthday paddle. Yes Chuck, I was rescued by an attractive girl!!! ;-). I personally don’t like WW courses, but do appreciate they are a safer bet than swimming down the Upper Dart or other similar rivers!
I also agree with many that swimming does happen and can also involve stupid mistakes. I have seen and experienced many safe swims, but I guess it’s keeping these risks to a minimum for the swimmer and the safety of the greater group. I think I’ve seen more injuries and near missed from boat chasing than anything else!
I’ve also noticed a lot during my kayaking via forums and various conversations over the years that kayakers seem to rate their level via International Grading System. I disagree with this assumption and labelling. I think there isn’t a level of kayaking level other than competency on the water (knowledge and practice). Where I personally think that badge awards are not for my sleeve and star awards belong in the sky, I do admire the techniques and knowledge they set out to achieve and establish. I would certainly recommend these paths, read up on the theory and put it into practice.
ParticipantOf course we have made many mistakes with river levels. However, in this senario, I’m not accepting blame or fault from any one….not even the miserable moaning moos’ I managed to hang out with on Saturday ;-). Everyone was pre-warned of uncertainty and was very committed to exploration. Ollie even took his car to the Dulas just in case the back-up plan was to be initiated…..which of course it was. Even Steve M had to endure an extra-over time in the car with me and he stopped talking half-way back due to a headache….poor man!
On a serious note, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and hope to do it again in the near future, with some water. I also look forward to some trips on the local canal.
ParticipantA great day for all. An interesting situation with the Salmon protector. Although I have a lot of respect for people who look after the fish and fisherman in our rivers, I’m sure they can appreciate we do not intentionally kill fish or eggs. Should the argument be, surely we do not hook them onto a line by the mouth to launch them from the water or put them in a net them for hours to eat them. Although, I am partial to a bit of Salmon!
As to the drive, I think I actually managed ‘around’ 2.5 hours through leaving at around 8am. Using the preposition ‘around’ is a rather loose word is a safe means. However, over 70mph with four boats on the roof of a new car would be silly, so surely justifies my position to my ‘blue light’ friends!
ParticipantGood vid….I wish they put these vids at normal speed though….makes my eyes go all funny.
I agree Chuck about bring lots of upside down time….there’s more rolls than in the Hovis factory!
ParticipantSounds like you had a great time. I would be very keen on a river trip down the Dee.
ParticipantI’m interested.
ParticipantGreat day guys.
Thanks to Tim for coaching the Insomniacs. I would certainly highly recommend a skills workshop…critical analysis is so useful and the results will most likely be vital improvments we need in those pushy rivers!
ParticipantAs a former member, can I have an email from Tim before rejoining again tonight?
ParticipantI agree with all but the very last clause in the very last sentance! 😉 I do buy rounds! Rolling on the top section is a terrifying but most enjoyably rewarding experience. You feel an excitement of screaming “yes” and putting your hands in the air, but no chance of that!
I heard a loud crunch at the top of the rapid. It is a strange feeling knowing that you are in a massive stopper and you are trying to roll knowing that, for some reason, your boat is full of water. The impending doom of the whole rapid following the stopper also looms in your head. Great feeling, but similar to the one the Titanic passengers felt as they too abandoned ship!
Great river run……shame about the durability of the boat. Fluid have an 80% of the boats value policy under two years, so I should be fine. I’ll probably end up getting a shell, which I hope the plastic is significantly better.
I guess the second run incident should never be spoken about again! 😉
ParticipantThanks Tim.
ParticipantTim, Would you know the date? Need to check the calendar. Also, how much is it PP?
ParticipantI’ve got the mince pies and brandy. 30mph winds are quite common over Christmas (sprouts).
ParticipantBe fully aware….Rotty has returned!
Spaces in my car….just me and Yatesy Boy so far. Our kayaks are books for a ride in The D-meisters van, so please ask nicely due to roof bars….or lack of installed. Failing that, it’ll be a shuffle at The Pony.
ParticipantI guess if 20 is the limit, then it doesn’t make any difference whether the pool sessions are formal or informal. I would also agree with Chucky about play boating and I am also free to help out. In my opinion, roll clinics make you feel like your time is wasted by sitting at the edge of the pool, and the distance is also a long way to commit for resulting little pool time. If it gets too much, I guess a new members ‘cap’ in the pool could be an option, with any new members having to book their first session/s, with membership guaranteeing pool availability. However, I joined the club on the basis it is welcoming, informal and open….and has a weekly pool session and pub meet up.
As a real alternative, we could turn up with manikini’s to scare a few out of the pool instead. Apparently, Chucky has a wardrobe full of them to donate for ‘club wear’. He is reluctant to hand them on though, as he wants to sport them mowing the lawn in his new house!