Forum Replies Created
Paul W
ParticipantBang on Rich – it is a superb river in a beautiful setting, numerous grade 3 rapids and Bryn Bras, which probably raises the grade a level. Admirably paddled by all. The definite highlight was Dave B’s improvised line, huge air & shriek on the falls; the epitome of paddling. Shame we didn’t have a camera.
Paul W
ParticipantThe river is great, really enjoyed it and somewhere I’d look forward to paddling again and again. Leadership all good; Bryn Bras – we didn’t scout, we were told the line and ran it without too much trouble. Another group who ran it at the same time as us ended up with kit and paddlers strewn all over the place. Can’t beat a bit of river nous!!
Paul W
ParticipantTravelling up with Steve M, so we’ll meet you in Dobbies. Room for another couple in my car if anyone needs a lift.
Paul W
ParticipantConfirmed Geoff, one of the dogs did see it and not the one with cataracts!
Cheers for the session chaps. Hugely impressed with Asa & Kevin as first timers at HPP.Paul W
ParticipantClub safety policy?? Something that came up on Sunday’s course.
Paul W
ParticipantNot out this Saturday. Have a good one, wherever you end up.
Paul W
ParticipantSee you at the poney.
Paul W
ParticipantI’m in if it’s the 10th…….thank you.
Paul W
ParticipantWhat about leaving it until the week after Christmas, as decent places are going to be rammed, especially at the weekend. We could have a post Christmas pick up? No complaints with last year’s curry house.
Paul W
ParticipantMe too – Geoff / John.
Paul W
ParticipantI’m up for it Geoff – got to help out with kids football first thing on Saturday, but will catch up with you lot later for pub stops and camping. I’ll see who is around at pool on Thurday and discuss further.
Paul W
ParticipantI’d second that Rich – it looks bloody brilliant. Well done both, great to see a big smile on Elliot’s face again.
Paul W
ParticipantAnother great write up Nige and again thanks to everybody, particularly Geoff for the photos & footage. Some of the pictures are absolutely stunning, a constant reminder of a cracking day.
Paul W
ParticipantGreat write up Rich & antoher brilliant vid Geoff – thoroughly enjoyable day. Cheers all.
Paul W
ParticipantCracking report Nige. Saw the video, it is truly shocking. Well done Barry & Kee for your quick thinking and Rob for having the presence of mind to wedge the paddle down. Hate to think what would have happened to a less experienced paddler. Can’t make up my mind whether I’m glad I missed it or not!