The Dee gets a Hat trick.

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    Richard D

    Having resisted the Dee until the middle of March this year, we’ve now returned for 3 consecutive Saturdays. Fortunately the Dee never lets you down and once again we came away after a great day. This week we had a much smaller group with only 5 of us braving the warm sunny weather ! 0.58 on the EA gauge, 4 on the MEM gauge. Horseshoe weir to Town Falls again so off we went and within minutes everyone saying they were too hot and had too many layers on, but with the water still a little cold for rolling just to cool down ! The highlight of Serpent’s tail had to be Geoff’s clear run with a perfect entry into the eddy river right ( he did say he was going to run straight through, but with a great run in the first section he was set up beautifully for the eddy and couldn’t resist showing the rest of us how to do it properly ! ). Then on through the tail and down towards MEM with a little surfing and playing on the way. Geoff then left us as we made our way to the bottom wave where there was a group of people waiting their turn, Kee had a couple of spins but then Chris Noble arrived in his converted playboat so we decided it was time to leave and make our way down to Town Falls. With only four of us in the group we knew we would all fit into the eddy under the Corn Mill balcony. Here we were able to discuss the features we could see and the line we were going to take rather than end up in Dave’s crack again ! Kee volunteered to lead off as he’d run this line 3 or 4 times now and so we’d have a camera at the front and rear, with Dave having fitted Geoff’s camera to his helmet. A great bit of editing by Geoff records the event using 2 cameras to great effect. Onward through the final rapid, taking care to avoid Robs Re-bar. Off the river to get changed in some warm spring air, marvellous.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Richard D.

    Nice 1 Rich,grt day.


    Sounds like another fantastic day guys – hope to join you next weekend if that’s OK.

    Richard D

    Look forward to paddling with you Steve. Hopefully the weather will be good again. PS where do you live, was it you following me back up South Road after the pool session last Thursday?

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