Steve & Dave visit to Cardiff Sunday 12th Feb

Home Forums Message Board Steve & Dave visit to Cardiff Sunday 12th Feb

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Tim.
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  • #4489

    Thoroughly competitive bout. Full time score Steve 11 – Dave 9.
    Steve M scored very high in style marks making lots of eddies and surfing the waves. Dave P clawed his way back into contention with a roll on lap two. And in doing so literally drew first blood as he used both sets of knuckles and the paddle to roll off the floor.
    Thoroughly enjoyable day with Lois keeping hold of the flasks of tea and the score from the safety of the balcony.
    Dave scored 9 clear runs with Steve clearing 10-runs, and only becoming detached from his boat on run 10 of 11 at 8 cumecs.
    Dave ended his day with Tim’s voice ringing in his ear about practicing rolling on your weak side having got flushed against and tipped over against the sheet piling in the bottom pool at the end of his last run. Very difficult to roll against sheet piling. Lots of friendly faces to help us both out at the end.

    Richard D

    Sounds like a very enjoyable but tiring day. Wish I could have been with you.


    Fantastic number of runs lads. Well done!

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