River Vyrnwy November 2012

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  • #4175

    A cold day on the Vyrnwry. Think this was Nige’s 1st time on this river.
    Trimmed down from the original 9 minute version


    Hi Geoff,
    Great footage and yes first trip on the Vyrnwy, not sure if 2 or 3 swims that day ! Great piece of water and looking at you too I feel lots of improvements have taken place. Kee looks so young.
    Great stuff.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Nigel.
    Richard D

    Good stuff Geoff it’s great that you have all these recordings of our trips. I note both Ricki and Chucky were there that day, have they both retired from paddling ?


    Great memories of a great river. Have a cracking time in Scotland lads
    Stay safe

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