River Reports

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  • #886

    Hello Team
    was planing to go paddling with WFCC. but it got abandoned due to too much water…%$^£&***.
    SO… Richard and Tim etc have been discussing a WCC river level report based on our collective experiences. I looked at the EA levels but could not relate them actual river paddling conditions. which is What would have been useful today. I did think about ringing you guys up at 7am but instead decided to write this.

    SO below you will find a blank form to start things off. feel free to change the form
    Even your old notes etc would be useful.


    Paddled by:
    Date: Time:
    River Level Gauge Location (EA): Level:
    River level on the Get in (Land Marks etc)
    River level on the Get out:

    Specific Hazards:

    Additional comments:
    eg weather conditions/Swimmers/events etc


    Nice one Zaf. We will start a database shortly. Today was always going to be difficult to predict. I even put a post on rivers guidebook asking for advice about snow melt. Rivers can rise very quickly with snowmelt and with high rainfall added to the equation predicting a safe river for a group of mixed abilities becomes even more difficult. Best to walk away today. However, there are a couple of grade 2 paddles that may have been running today and I will be doing shortly to check their suitability. One is the Glaslyn above the gorge and the other is the wnion below the gorge.


    Your Bang on Tim , regards levels and predictions due to snow, I had a look at the Trent on Friday it was at .90 on the Great Haywood Gauge, I went yesterday and it was well up just due to snow melt no rain, this morning with some overnight rain and snow melt it is at 2.07. Great idea Zaf about the logging of data, and as you say Tim would be great to compile a detailed Log for the Club. 🙂


    Rich and Tim already have the beginning of this info… I would say we all can add to the knowledge. May be even add a link to the WCC log from the Rain Chasers web site. because that has a lot of detail which does not need to be re written about the river. eg

    Richard D

    Yes Zaf this is something we can discuss at the AGM. With regards to river level at the get in, perhaps a photo of someone holding a paddle upright at a notable point and seeing how much of the paddle is submerged. We could then relate that to the nearest gauge level or in the rivers that don’t have a gauge themselves ie the Gam or Twrch we have a reference point for future paddles. Or what about sending Keelan in and seeing if he can touch the bottom !!


    cool… I am sure Keelan would be up for it..in any case he would need to get permission (in writing). I would like to propose a change to the club rules. allowing such events to take place. I can see the AGM will have some heated debates…
    One problem..
    Allowing for growth. the measuring stick ie Keelan would have to be re-calibrated on regular basis…

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by admin.
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