Long and Short Term Goal Setting

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    Im interested in everyones long and short term goals. Have a think and post them up here and lets achieve them! Update your list and let us know what you have achieved.

    Here are my short term goals……

    1. Attend a Whitewater Safety and Rescue Course. Done
    2. Paddle the Mawddach Estaury. Done
    3. Paddle across Ullswater Lake.
    4. Paddle the Tees Barrage.
    5. Make the second eddy on the right on graveyard. Done
    6. Introduce my daughters to kayak. Amelia has now done canoe and kayak. lottie has done canoe.
    7. Cartwheel the G Force
    8. Paddle the second gorge of the Fairy Glen
    9. Complete 4 star training

    Here are my long term goals…….

    1. Paddle a section of grade 5 water.
    2. Become a Level 3 coach.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Tim.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Tim.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Tim.

    Generally Paddle more.
    Run rivers not run before. (would welcome ideas)
    To measure improvements in skill.
    1) Serpents tail at 3 different levels
    2) Town falls at 3 different levels
    3) Pre- grave Yard
    4) Grave Yard, feature at a time
    5) Washburn Speed Run –under 10 mins

    Long term
    3 star
    4 star

    Richard D

    Number one has to be :-
    1. A bolt on whitewater roll ( after missing straightforward rolls on Clywedog, Tryweryn and Banwy !
    2. Town Falls Llangolen at several levels
    3. All the eddies on the Graveyard
    4. Bryntail falls (the right way up ! )
    5. Cobdens fall, LLugwy
    6. Ton Falls Rhyader ( Wye)


    1. Nail every eddy in the gravy yard (1 left)
    2. run the Clywedog
    3. Run aberglaslyn gorge.
    4. Run more grade 4 in the uk
    5. Run fairy glen (short to mid term goal)
    6. Nail the right hand cart wheel
    7. Loop on knightwich.

    Longer term
    1. 4 star training and assessment
    2. 3 star free style assessment
    3. Level one coaching
    4. Get my scouting kayaking permit

    to name just a few


    I made my list last December it is as follows,
    Short term
    1/ Paddle the Ski slope and Graveyard on Tryweryn.

    2/ Tackle Town falls on a reasonable level.

    3/ Attend at least one safety or rescue course by end of spring 2013.

    4/ Paddle the Tidal estuary splitting Anglesey and Holyhead and manage a roll in the flow.

    5/ Conquer “Serpants tail” by end May 2013.

    6/ Challenge myself to take on some more complex runs.

    Long term.

    1/ Attend as many training courses as possible to improve my knowledge and understanding of the sport and water.

    2/ Visit the lake district to paddle.

    3/ Aim to secure a Bomb proof roll.

    I managed 3, and 4, also 5, albeit 5 did take until 1st week of June.


    After a break from the sport most of my short term goals have been reached in the short time I’ve been with the club , previous ability and skills are fast returning .
    Longer term goals are
    revisit my coaching past
    more surf and sea
    Alpine water
    and for something not done before , the Gamlan


    Have you achieved your goals? Put the word done next to your achievements. You may want to revise your goals and add new ones. We have 38 members but I only know the aims of 6. Come on! let us know what your aspirations are. We are not mind readers!


    1. Paddle regularly. √
    2. River Dart – middle section. √
    3. River Usk – Mill Falls. √
    4. Bala Falls – small, large eddy. √
    5. Serpants Tail – level 2-5.√
    6. Serpants Tail – level 5 +
    7. Lomo Drysuit. √
    8. Town Falls. √
    9.Other Welsh Rivers Grade 3-4.

    1. Coach “Open Canoe” to prospective Level 1 Coaches at Wombourne.


    Generally Paddle more…..failed
    Run rivers not run before. (would welcome ideas)….failed
    To measure improvements in skill.
    1) Serpents tail at 3 different levels….Done
    2) Town falls at 3 different levels…. 2x only
    3) Pre- grave Yard…. failed
    4) Grave Yard, feature at a time….failed
    5) Washburn Speed Run –under 10 mins…. Kind off 🙂
    did but was chasing a boat lol. too busy to check the time

    Long term
    3 star…. failed
    4 star…..failed

    For next year…. Only one goal.
    Get out every Sunday…. 52 Sundays….Lets see what we score out of 52.


    Short medium term
    1. Get back into the pool sessions and use practising techniques to strengthen right arm.
    2. Whilst right arm is recovering learn to roll on left side.
    3. Find new more accessible home for my open canoe so I can get onto the river at short notice.
    4. Get to Jackfield rapids and Mile end Mill more often. My two favourite practice places whilst my river confidence needs to improve. I’m a fair weather paddler.
    5. More river trips in 2014 with Rich D and others. I enjoyed the Banwy and the Dee.
    6. Achieve some basic awards in both Kayak and Canoe skills.


    medium goals. 1. Full run of the Fairy Glen.
    2. Spate run of the Winnon
    3. East Lyn
    4. Full run of the Mawdach ( done the lower )
    5. High run of the Mellte
    6. Bitches
    7. Lower Prysor ( that’s probably a long term but here’s hoping )

    Long term. 1. Paddle in Norway
    2. Paddle more of Scotland


    . Nail every eddy in the gravy yard (1 left) done
    2. run the Clywedog 🙁
    3. Run aberglaslyn gorge. :'(
    4. Run more grade 4 in the uk :'( :'(
    5. Run fairy glen (short to mid term goal) no were near
    6. Nail the right hand cart wheel – work in progress
    7. Loop on knightwich. 🙁

    Longer term
    1. 4 star training and assessment nope
    2. 3 star free style assessment nope
    3. Level one coaching nope
    4. Get my scouting kayaking permit nope

    to name just a few

    so bugger all really need to get out more ….


    Short Term

    1/ Paddle Ski slope and Graveyard on Tryweryn. Done (Thanks Chucky)

    2/ Tackle Town Falls on a reasonable level. Not had opportunity yet, pending.

    3/ Attend at least one safety or rescue course by end of spring 2013. Done

    4/ Paddle the tidal estuary splitting Anglesey and Holyhead and manage a roll in the flow. Done

    5/ Conquer Serpents tail by end of May 2013. Done (1st week of June 2013)

    6/ Challenge myself to take on some more complex runs. Done , Bala Mill Falls, A small section of the Glaslyn gorge (Thanks Tim) Mill falls (Usk South Wales) very last small section of Upper Dart ( Thanks Dave Y ). Thanks to everyone for the moral support each trip.

    Long Term.

    1/ Attend as many training courses as possible to improve my knowledge and understanding of the sport and water. Some . Tremendous help learning from Club members this year, have really picked up some great tips.

    2/ Visit the Lake district to paddle. No ( A trip needs to be arranged Guy’s )

    3 / Aim to secure a Bomb proof roll. Still working on it ,now trying to conquer my weak side.

    Looking Forward 2014.

    1/ Level one coach

    2/ Paddle the full Glaslyn Gorge. 🙂

    3/ Make a few eddy’s on the Graveyard.

    4/ Run the full length of the Upper Tryweryn. (No swims)

    5/ Paddle Cobdens Falls, on the Llugwy.

    6/ To help New members.


    Short term goals:
    bomb proof roll(sometimes its there and then its not)
    paddle the clywedog.
    more eddies on the graveyard.
    Top eddy right on the ski slope
    East Lyn from watersmeet down.
    The upper Dart on a nice level.(only done very low).
    More grade 4(need the confidence boost more regular)

    Long Term goals:

    4 star

    level 1 coaching

    All grade 4’s with more confidence(need more regular).

    Scotish rivers.

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