Llfni 2nd January 2015……find and eddy!

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    A great picture taken by Barry who managed to take this whilst continously  spinning around! From left to right we have John the paddler , 9 o clock at Dobbies Rich, Geoff (FWPTKOA), Things are so much safer with me! Tim, Super Kee, Safe pair of hands Mike, Anyone fancy a cup of coffee? Nige and last but not least the increasingly impressive Chucky.

    Today, we had a blast. Up there with the best we’ve done.

    We didn’t manage to paddle the Everglades section at the start of this river and in our quest to paddle everything in the guidebook the only way to get through this section is to hire duck costumes and quack our way through thus fooling the lady who apparently calls the police if anything other than a duck floats through!

    The river takes a while to kick in but when it does it does! This may have been the first time some of the group had experienced a continuous river and we all performed really well. It makes all those trips to Jackfields worthwhile! I thought the teamwork was brilliant today and everyone got stuck in helping to portage trees and starting to use signals a bit more.

    We grouped up nicely before the tunnel section and formulated a plan involving a team on the river and a team on the bank. This still involved a big commitment by Mike and Rich going into the unknown and a big thanks to them. Chucky found an eddy above the tunnel entrance on river right and we will make use of this if we return in the future.

    After the tunnel the river picked up and we were flying down at a rate of knots, making a few micro eddies here and there, we slalomed through trees, we portaged trees, we continued to fly down at a rate of knots, we found ourselves at the front, the back and the middle of the group smiling as we passed each other. “This is great!” shouts John. It summed it up.

    We had a little fight with a final tree hazard about 400 yards from the end of the trip. It all ended well though with big smiles, loads to talk about over a pint on Thursday and another adventure ends.

    P.S did anyone find my shoe?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Tim.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Tim.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Tim.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Tim.

    A cracking day on the Llyfni it deserves all its 5 star s thanks to every body who came and made it a great day

    Richard D

    Great picture from Barry with Snowdonia in the background ? The calm before the storm !! Great river very technical. Not for the feint hearted and certainly not novices. Good to have Mike along as he’d run it before, even though it was 15 years ago !
    P.S Tim you’ve missed a “T” out of the Fellowship of the Wombourne Photographic Tim keeps TELLING off award.


    Looks like you all had some fun.

    Looking forward to starting the 2015 paddling next week!


    Good spot Rich!


    As a motorcyclists for many many years this river is the nearest you can get to a real Sunday morning high speed blast around wales. WOW WOW!!!
    Great day again thanks to all, I really feel the sentiments of Tim’s comment about the team work, every one played a valuable part in the trip today which is what being part of the club in my opinion is all about.
    Cheers 😉 😉 😉 😉 and still smiling


    Thank you for inviting me on this unknown river and what a dream when you got going, thanks Tim for diving on my boat and rescuing it. I think I owe you a new pair of “Boots”, send the bill to me. Plus Chucky or whoever saved my paddle. See you Thursday.


    John my friend thanks for the kind offer but those shoes are as cheap as chips from decathlon and were on their last legs any way. Buy me a pint in the pub instead. The boat rescue was a bit unorthodox but was at least the third time I’ve done it when £800 quid is sailing to the sea. I can imagine Chucky in the future reminiscing……I once saw this bloke……….


    Sounds a get day guys


    Grt day

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