Event Review

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Tim.
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    Wombourne Kayak Club paddles many times each year in many different locations. Members encounter and overcome many challenges. Learning from the way we prepare and face these challenges is key to Health and Safety arrangements. We can learn from every paddle trip. We need to capture learning through post event analysis and review.

    I would like this to be a formal record in line with GDPR regs.

    Using yesterday’s paddle on the Glaslyn as an example.

    26th February 2020 Glaslyn Gorge Startpoint below the breaker

    From previous experience of paddling above the breaker it is essential to have bank support in place on this upper section. With only two paddlers on the river and one person paddling this river for the first time we decided not to run the trickier section above the breaker. I believe this upper section requires Lee valley Olympic Course Skills. Below the breaker requires upper tryweryn skills.

    We ran the section below the breaker 5 times successfully analysing each run and trying different lines and different strokes. I feel both paddlers on this trip exhibited competence and have developed great knowledge to pass on to others members of the club with regards lines, paddle strokes and boat angle.

    Learning Points

    1. Only one throw line was taken on the river. Every paddler should carry and know how to use a throwline.

    2. Manual Handling – Boat carrying on difficult terrain. It is quite challenging and difficult carrying the boat between runs. It is also difficult to remove this hazard. We could however ensure all paddlers are wearing suitable footwear and are aware of correct lifting and carrying techniques. If necessary share the load.

    3. Going forward I believe both paddlers were comfortable on that section of water without bank support. Developing their skills on the section above the breaker would benefit from a session on the Olympic course and a third non paddler as bank support.


    Looks a good starting point Tim.


    The review doesn’t need names in my opinion. It’s about learning from past experience. For example I took a swim on the breaker previously. Based upon that experience I need support there until I have demonstrated competence making a successful line and feel confident without it. We could look at the Vyrnwy gorge as another example. Based upon the number of swims on that section in the past we should have bank support set up each time it is run.

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