Dwyfor and Dulas 26 February

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    My old mate Dav came paddling for the day and we weren’t disappointed. The trip was open to most of the club and paddle plans would have been flexible depending upon who wanted to come. I think a good bench mark for these sorts of rivers is being able to run serpents tail confidently. The Dwyfor has a footpath running alongside it, similar to the Tryweryn. Its easy to paddle sections, miss out sections, set up safety etc.

    We only ran the sexy final section which we graded at about 3 and managed to hit it on a high level which made it exciting but never scary. We parked the car at the get in along the drive to a caravan park and nobody bothered us and left the shuttle push bike outside the Lloyd George museum. Somehow I managed to break the key in the lock after the paddle but was rescued by a very kind local who provided me with a hacksaw blade! A great river, very difficult to get the levels right and I would probably avoid during the fishing season looking at peoples reports.

    Onto the Dulas…….great river. Looking at other videos we managed to do this on a high level. Excitingly (or stupidly), I missed the final eddy above the grade 6, managed to hold onto a flimsy branch and was quickly rescued by Dav who had quickly got out of his boat!. The arches of the bridge at the get out were too close for comfort and we quickly used a garden on river right to exit the river. All good fun.

    We had a quick look at the Banwy Twrch on the way back but with the light fading we decided not to run it. Nice to see the final rapids were still clear of debris.

    Make a note of the Afon Eden which runs into the Mawddach. This river looked superb each time we passed it and definitely worth doing in the future. I think you know me by now. It will be done!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Tim.

    sounds like a good day buddy.

    fingers crossed for a good weekends paddling soon 🙂

    I dont know how you fixed over easter weekend ? i have the monday tuesday off and i d like to paddle

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