Curry night Saturday 23 November

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    Hello everyone. Is anyone coming to the club curry night? We will have a seperate video night another time. If you could let me know and we can book something in Lye. Cheers Tim


    Hi Tim,
    Put me down please, ( not literally ).
    Sorry missed your call earlier was driving, on way to pick Tyler up after dropping guy’s at Stewpony, and phone was under seat.



    Im in Tim put me down as well 🙂


    Me and the boy too


    I think rich d and barry are going too. I will ask rich to book a table for about 8 paddlers.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Tim.

    Mine’s a chicken dhansak , count me in.

    Richard D

    Tim has asked me to book a table for the curry evening next Saturday in THE Lye at 7.30. Probably be Ishas at Lye cross.I’d be grateful if you could put up a reply so we have some idea of numbers. So far we have Me, Tim, Barry, Nige, Rob, Geoff, Kee, Rich P, Dave , Gary, Paul , Chucky and John. Anyone else please let me know or leave a message. Don’t forget your party hats !!

    Richard D

    Ricki and Mick now on the list. Still awaiting a few replies. I’ll call this evening to book so if you want to join us let me know asap. Further details to follow.

    Richard D

    Hi Chucky,
    Tim suggested a separate night for the video night to the curry night so that will come later I guess.
    For now, the curry night is this Saturday (23rd November ). A table has been booked at for 18 people at 7.30. We have 16 who have said yes so far but I’m waiting to hear from a few others. Being a Saturday evening we need to confirm exact numbers, so anyone who wants to join us then please leave a message or call me. We are going to Ishas, Lye Cross. 8 Stourbridge Road, Lye DY9 0QT. if you need details. Ps we can take our own drinks so this should keep the cost down, so don’t forget your beer or wine, or coke for Kee and Barry

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Richard D.
    Richard D

    Zaf, Simon & Anto also added to list. We’re gonna need a bigger table !!


    Can I sit next to Zaf. We can have a chairmans arm wrestle competition!

    Richard D

    Yes you can sit where you like Mr Chairman and arm wrestle with Mr Zafar,…but beware of the rotor cuff injury !!

    Richard D

    We’ve had a fantastic response to the curry night and thanks to everyone for replying so swiftly. Here is a list of the people who have said yes to coming. This is so that you can make arrangements for transport and to share lifts with people local to yourself or book taxis if necessary.. Another reason is I need to count up the numbers as the table was booked for 18 and I think we now have more than that. Here is the list, in no particular order :-
    Me, Tim, Barry, Dave Yates, Dave Bennett, Geoff & Kee, Rich Probert, Gary Wood, Nigel, Rob, John Teuwen, Mick O’brien, Paul Williams, Simon & Anto, Ricki, Chucky, Zaf, Mark Watson and Nick Preece,
    I booked for 18 but now make that 21, so we do need a bigger table !!
    If I have missed anyone, my apologies but please let me know asap.
    Gary has pointed out that directly opposite Ishas is the Windsor Castle pub, an independent brewer, (Sadlers) who sell real ales etc. If anyone wants to go earlier and have a pint there first we’ll sort it at the pool session on Thursday and post something up for those that aren’t at the pool.
    Don’t forget you can bring your own drinks to Ishas to save running up a bar bill.

    Rob and Jane

    Would like to come for curry, if not too late. Will check tonight at club. Jane and Rob


    Lol…yes Mr T… we have to be careful….the retro fluffy injury can be very painful. how about a game of paper stone scissors. cu Sat..

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