Committee Meeting July 3 Feedback.

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    The meeting started refreshingly well with a lovely pint of cider. In attendance we had our Equipment Officer Barry, our Deputy Chair Richard, our General Member Gary and Tim your Chairman. Apologies received from Nick, Paul and Mick.

    1. We had a general discussion about the improved boat storage in the plant room(thanks Barry), the quality of the new club hoodies and the brilliant Anglesey trip.
    2. Tim mentioned the recent purchasing of air bags for the Mamba and we agreed to buy new ones for the Riot. Barry will also sort out the drain bung on the Riot.
    3. Tim has contacted former members via email and reported that two had replied and they would like to return at some stage in the future.
    4. We discussed the possibility of having a club white water safety training day. We have the knowledge and skills between us to put this on. We don’t have the ability to issue certificates but we can give people the practical skills. Paul would like to increase his knowledge and we will definitely set up a session.
    5. We discussed Rob and Nigel’s progress towards becoming Level 1 Coaches and their improving open boat skills. Kee and Rob are attending a FSRT course shortly.
    6. Tim promoted the idea of having the Ogwen Valley Rescue Team as our adopted charity. We can all sign up to the easy giving website and as Nick mentioned following the AGM that they sell lots of goodies which we could buy and do our bit for a great voluntary team.
    7. We discussed the issue of non paying members. It must be stressed that the club is insured by the BCU to cover a paddlers first four sessions. After that they must join the club. We can no longer take a relaxed view on this. There are inherent risks with paddlesport and we need to cover our backs! We discussed and agreed upon increasing the amount we charge our friends from other clubs to use our pool facility to £9. We haven’t set a date for this yet, but the committee feels we need to give paddlers an incentive to join us.
    8. Paul has suggested adding some new tabs to the website and include things like codes of conduct, protection policies, downloadable consent forms for juniors, AGM minutes etc. Tim will ask our website master to sort this out for us.
    9. The committee discussed the club culture and the positive environment we have developed and would like continuing into the future. We have all worked hard to create the club we have today and the committee feels we should continue to respect the feelings of others on the website and social media.
    10. Nick will be standing down as secretary as and when we have a new volunteer. The committee would like to thank Nick for his efforts over the last 18 months. Thanks Nick.
    11. AOB Tim said he would like to hold a club summer BBQ at his house in the near future. Date to be announced shortly.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Tim.
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