AGM 2015 Main Points

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    1. Mick agreed that the minutes of the last meeting were a true account of last years agm with one minor alteration required.

    2. Attendance …..Tim, Chucky, Barry, Paul, Geoff, Kee, Garry, Mick. Rich D, Nigel.

    3. Apologies……Ricki, Andy, Dave Y, Rob.

    4. Treasurer Report…..Mick reported that we currently have £2,500 in the club funds. We agreed that the priority will be to purchase air bags for all of the club boats. We agreed to keep annual membership at £24 and Thursday pool fees at £7.

    5. Safety and Rescue Courses. Rob was praised for arranging the courses. There are a few places left and we will try to get these filled up. The dates available are 9th and 10th may or 16th and 17th may. Approximately £60 per person.

    6. Scotland Trip. A lot of interest was shown in this trip. Rich D has put a lot of work in. We will try to find out the dam releases asap and put a plan in place.

    7. We discussed the need for a club safe guarding policy. Paul has recently attended courses and will work with tim to create a document. The policy will be distributed to members for consultation before being passed by the committee. We agreed that members should have a list of contact numbers and emergency contact numbers. Members attending trips should also be suitably kitted out.

    8. Tim suggested a couple of coach training days during the Summer. An opportunity to discuss ideas and best practice. The coaches at the club are currently Tim, Rob, Rich D, Rich P, Nigel and John.

    8. We had a great time watching and laughing at video footage throughout the evening. Rich would like a video and curry night.

    9. The committee voted in are as follows….

    Tim Chair
    Rich D Deputy Chair
    Paul Safeguarding
    Mick Treasurer
    Barry Equipment
    Ricki Secretary

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Tim.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Tim.

    Thanks for the prompt minutes, sorry I couldn’t attend but was ill, just about able to go down the allotment today, which should set me right for Saturday.


    I ‘ll bring the £60 for the safety course, give to Rich.

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